Calculated prostatitis in men is a disease of the prostate caused by various causes. This pathology is treated on an outpatient basis with the help of drugs, physiotherapy and folk remedies. You can drink vitamin complexes and compounds that strengthen the immune system. The treatment must be comprehensive. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. The earlier this pathology is detected, the faster recovery will occur.

Calculated prostatitis in men: what is it?
Calcular prostatitis is a complication of chronic inflammation of the prostate, which consists in the formation of stones (stones) in the prostate ducts. The peak of this pathology falls on 30-39 years. Associated with this is an increase in cases of chronic prostatitis, which develops against the background of sexually transmitted diseases.
In men from 40 to 59 years of age, the appearance of this pathology can be associated with prostate adenoma (growth of glandular tissue of the prostate), and in people over 60 years of age - the cessation of sexual function. Depending on the cause of their formation, stones are true (primary) or false (secondary). The primary ones are formed in the ducts of the gland, and the secondary ones enter the prostate from the upper urinary tract (kidneys, bladder and urethra) if the patient has urolithiasis.
Calcular prostatitis is caused by inflammation in the prostate. Violation of the emptying of the prostate occurs due to irregular or absent sexual intercourse, as well as a sedentary lifestyle. Against the background of infection, stones are formed in a person, as a result of which the secretion in the prostate stagnates.
In addition, the development of this disease leads to an abnormal backflow of a small amount of urine from the urethra into the ducts of the prostate gland during the emission of urine. Because of this, the salts in the urine crystallize, thicken, and turn into stones. The stones of the prostate are chemically similar to those of the bladder:
- oxalate (appear due to the formation of oxalic acid salts);
- phosphate (formed against the background of a violation of the synthesis of phosphoric acid);
- Urate (uric acid salts are formed).
Main symptoms and types
The main symptom of calculous prostatitis is pain. It has a dull and aching character and is located in the perineum, scrotum, over the pubic bone, sacrum and coccyx. Pain syndrome is aggravated by defecation (excretion of feces), sexual intercourse, physical activity and prolonged sitting on a hard surface, as well as long walking.
Patients complain of frequent urination or complete urinary retention. Blood impurities (hematuria) or hemospermia (the appearance of blood plasma in the semen) are found in urea. People suffering from this disease are characterized by:
- decreased libido (sexual activity);
- weak erection;
- Violations of ejaculation (discharge of seminal fluid during sexual intercourse);
- painful ejaculation.
Without therapy, patients can develop complications in the form of:
- kidney disease;
- cystitis (inflammation of the urinary tract);
- Infertility;
- Abscess;
- urinary retention
Calcareous prostatitis in men is treated with antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, vitamins are actively used in therapy to strengthen immunity, anti-inflammatory drugs, prebiotics (after taking a course of antibiotics) and other drugs. Sometimes surgery is done to remove the stones. This method is indicated when drug therapy does not give positive results for a long time.
Of the applied physiotherapeutic methods:
- magnetotherapy (exposure to a magnetic field);
- laser treatment (stone removal);
- electrophoresis (power consumption);
- EHF therapy (radiation with low frequencies).
With calculous prostatitis, prostate massage is strictly prohibited. The most effective method is crushing stones with a laser. Stones can be removed naturally in just a few sessions. Sometimes the doctor prescribes exercise therapy (physiotherapeutic exercises) in the form of gymnastics, exercises to reduce and relax the anal muscles.
Therapy with folk remedies
Folk remedies can reduce the severity of symptoms. They can be used as a supplement to basic therapy. It is not recommended to self-medicate, it is better to consult a doctor before using this or that composition.
The most effective folk remedies are presented below.
Sage has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and also improves digestion.
Preparation and application:
- Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the sage and the herb of the cooling liquid, leave for 2 hours.
- Strain the remedy and drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.
Collection of herbs
- Mint;
- Sage;
- plantain;
- sweet flag;
- bearberry;
- Chamomile;
- Nettle.
Preparation and consumption:
- Mix all the ingredients, pour boiling water over it and let it steep for 2 hours.
- Take 70 ml 3 times a day.
Hawthorn has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels and has anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties.
- 3 art. l. Plants pour 3 cups of boiling water.
- Insist 3-4 hours.
- Drink the medicine three times a day for 1 glass.
rose hip
With the help of rose hips, you can strengthen the immune system. A decoction from it should not be drunk by people with high acidity.
Preparation and application:
- 4 tbsp. l. Rosehip roots pour 2 cups of water.
- Bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 20 minutes.
- Cool, burden.
- Take 250ml three times a day for 30 days.
With the help of mint, you can relieve spasms, eliminate inflammation and relax the body. It is allowed to make tea from this plant and cinnamon. To prepare you will need:
- Take 1 tbsp. l. Mint and honey, a stick of cinnamon and 700 ml of water.
- Pour boiling water over the cinnamon and mint and let steep for 20 minutes.
- Add honey there.
It is better to drink the remedy after consuming 1 glass.
It is recommended to take an infusion of parsley. To prepare you will need:
- Pour 1 tsp. 1 cup of boiling water.
- Insist on it throughout the night.
Drink this drug after straining 50ml per day.
Parsley can be combined with honey and lemon juice. To do this, squeeze the juice from the greens and mix with the remaining ingredients. The medicine should be drunk after a meal.
A decoction of green seeds can be used for calculous prostatitis. For this you need:
- 1 teaspoon of ground seeds pour 400 ml of boiling water.
- Leave for 8 hours.
- Take 200 ml during the day.
Honey with walnut
In addition to herbs, honey is actively used in combination with walnuts. Forenuts should be crushed and mixed with bee product.
You need to take the remedy for 1 month, 1 tbsp. l. during the day.
Horse chestnut helps to strengthen the immune system. To prepare an infusion from it, you will need:
- 3 art. l. Pour 3 cups of boiling water over mussel powder and leave to stand for 5 hours.
- Then strain and light this medicine.
Application: 50 ml 2-3 times a day.
You can make a decoction of horse chestnut with chamomile.
aspen bark
A popular remedy is aspen bark, which reduces inflammation. To do this you should:
- 100 g of bark pour 1 liter of boiling water.
- Cook for 15 minutes over low heat.
- Filter.
- Drink 1 glass 30 minutes before meals for 2 months.